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Lego Carnival party costumes

A real minifig costume.

Lego Carnival party costumes
A few days and it's Carnival. I want to share with you an amazing costume that me and several friends of mine created from the scratch…


Dukto - How to

Simple instructions to start using Dukto.

Dukto - How to
Since a lot of you ask me how to use Dukto, I publish here a concise guide to send files…


Prevent DS_Store file creation

How to stop DS_Store files invasion.

Prevent DS_Store file creation
Often happens to those who use a Mac and share files with Windows to sow folders and archives with .DS_Store files…


iAd slowdown?

Slowdowns for Apple ads network.

iAd slowdown?
Since I started developing for iOS I used iAd and I was always satisfied. Ads were graphically clean, fill rate (i.e. requests accepted by the network on the total number of those generated by the app) was always above 75% and there were relatively high revenue for impressions and/or clicks. In the last few weeks, however, something is changed..…


Uninstall AVG 2013

How to get rid of this antivirus which uninstaller doesn't work.

Uninstall AVG 2013
Always for the virus & anti-virus saga here you'll find how to completely remove AVG 2013 from your computer (maybe because you want to use another antivirus)…
